Are you satisfied with the level of happiness in your life? There's one feeling that creates more stress than any other. Do you know what it is? It's the feeling that you're not in control of your life. Life just doesn't always happen how you plan it. How can you gain more control and banish anxiety? An ancient proverb says: "If you become discouraged in times of trouble, your strength will be meager." Experience has proved this to be so true. Your attitude has such a big impact on your stress level - and your ability to cope with it. It seems that negative people give up the little control that they have. Yet positive people often find the strength to get back into the driver's seat. This is often easier said than done.

How can you cope with the hard circumstances life deals out?

Perhaps you're facing a chronic illness, the death of a loved one or a painful divorce. These events can leave you feeling that the only thing you can do is wish things were better. What can you actually do? Viktor Frankl, holocaust survivor and psychiatrist, insists that life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable ones. He also says we all have the freedom to choose the stance we take, even under unchangeable suffering. What does this mean for you? Focus on what you can control. If you have poor health, perhaps you can still eat healthier, get at least some exercise and better sleep.

Take time to think and get clear on what you want in life. Make some time each day to work toward your goals. Do the things that make you feel more in control. Clean your room. Dress neatly. Don't procrastinate but instead resolve to do important things first. Confide in a friend or at least write down your thoughts in a journal. Whenever negative feelings resurface, remind yourself: "I'm responsible." You are able to respond. Instead of hurt or anger, work at letting go and forgiving. Instead of grief, try to remember something happy or that you can be grateful for. Instead of the past, focus on what you can do now. Look for any benefits from your situation. Maybe it can make you tougher, more insightful and better able to cope. Can you use your experience to help others?

Is your life is a series of overwhelming demands?

The kids demand your attention. Your boss demands your time. Your sick parents need your help. This certainly isn't the life you planned. What can you do? The first step is to make a list of demands you face. Write down every challenge you can think of. Ask yourself: Can others, perhaps family or friends nearby help me with any of these? Make your needs known. You don't have to give your boss or your family ultimatums. Just try to tell them what you're up against. As much as you want all the entertainment and break time you can, try to say No to unnecessary demands on your time. Make some time, even if it's a little bit, each day for yourself. Look for something to laugh at. Spend some time outside in the sunshine and fresh air, if possible. Allow time to wind down and relax before you go to sleep. Tell yourself: I can only do my best. Remember, if you try to do everything, you might end up unable to do anything. Write out a routine, or rituals you do each morning and evening. Professional speaker and business consultant, Davey Tyburski, says, "The amount of stress you have in your life is in direct correlation to the lack of rituals you have in place."

Is your challenge coping with negative feelings?

Strong feelings like sadness, anger and resentment can control your life if you let them. This can leave you little time or energy to do what's important to you. Why not ask family or friends about your feelings? Often, they can help you see whether your worries are out of control. Try to simplify your life as much as possible. Stick to a simpler routine. Try to do less things. You may need professional treatment. However, you should always carefully examine your options before you decide. Look for triggers that bring on your anxiety. What caused recent episodes of panic or rage? Once again, writing your feelings down can be a huge help. The act of writing helps your mind sort things out and calm down. Challenge your feelings. Ask yourself: Is this really true, what I'm feeling? This may require effort, but direct your anger, resentment or anxiety into more positive action. Our quality of life is often not from our circumstances but how we view them.

Why can massage help you with anxiety?

You've probably already heard that massage is an awesome stress reliever. So many experts agree on this. For example, the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at The Miami University School of Medicine has conducted over 100 studies on this. Massage reduces stress hormones and lowers blood pressure. It also greatly reduces depression and hostility. Massage heals, improves blood flow, rebalances overworked muscles and improves your range of motion. More than this, massage gives you the ability to relax on demand. Some people go through life with muscles so tense, they don't even know how to relax. Is this you? Massage teaches you what being relaxed feels like. This way you learn how to relax, even when you're not getting a massage. You work and live better when your mind and body are relaxed and refreshed. Why not see an experienced massage therapist? It just may be what the doctor orders. Schedule Now

Life takes it out of you. We'd love to help you put it back in. How can we help you personally?


Call us at 303-920-2350 with any questions, concerns or to find out how massage and essential oils can make life better for you.

Kahlei Shropshire

Kahlei Shropshire

Client Liaison

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